Quietly, that everyone sleeps!
The heroes are tired! Yes, but no!
Emotion and adrenaline kept them awake until the early hours.
A little more than 40 kids from the Summer Academy spent the night under the stars, or rather in a tent camp in a barbecue park in Gurkovo village.
“SURVIVING IN WILD NATURE” was the last edition of this summer’s academy with the partnership of the Balchik History Museum. On the basis of an agreement signed between the museum and the National Military University “Vasil Levski” in Veliko Tarnovo, specially trained military officers from the “Professional Sergeants College” at the National Military University conducted training for children on how to survive in nature.
A solar distiller, a homemade triple distiller with a filter for water from the wild, a homemade condensate liquefier from plants for survival without water, camouflage disguise, lighting a fire without a match and a lighter, a survival kit and many more tricks showed us the senior officers Boris Georgiev, Tsvetan Tsanev and Svetomir Kakhirkov under the guidance of the director of the sergeant college – officer candidate Krum Vachkov. They created an AMAZING experience for the kids from our summer academy and we THANK THEM FROM THE HEART!
They also helped us with the campfire, which because of the fire danger was triple secured and short – just enough to roast our marshmallow skewers, fly the flag, stomp the choir and listen to the concert of a boy from the Thracian tribe, who played the accordion for us. We danced and played until midnight, and then falling asleep turned out to be mission impossible, because for most of our kids it was their first night in a tent. We jokingly named some tents “The Ritz” and “Sheraton” because of the amenities the adventurers made for themselves, but sleep never caught up with them! We took pity on them and cancelled the planned early dawn physical exercise and gave out breakfast instead.